We provide reliability

New technologies and new idea

New technologies
Global Link doo is a company open to new technologies in different fields of science.
Providing solutions
We are providing solutions and consulting services for our clients and researching different materials based in Bosnia.
3D-printing of the smaller objects
Our plans are to perform the trial study of different mixtures with Bosnian minerals from different regions, for their applications in geopolymers in 3D-printing of the smaller objects in civil engineering.
New products
We are hopeful our company’s new products will contribute to the overall sustainability of the domestic and the regional construction industry, but also to the decrease in carbon footprint
We are partners with the University of Banja Luka
We are partners with the University of Banja Luka and strongly linked to and following the world leaders in this industry such as Apis Cor (USA), COBOD (EU), CyBE (EU) and others. Changing the construction industry is a great challenge from many perspectives. With new technologies, science, and new materials we will contribute to this industry and open a new era of living.
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Our theses

Global Link ltd

  • No amount of talking can replace action.

Global Link ltd

  • Different people have different tastes.

Global Link ltd

  • What a person actually does is more important that what they say they will do.

Global Link ltd

Some unfortunate events must be accepted as inevitable.
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